Tuesday, March 24, 2009

great china

so, if you haven't been to great china on kittredge & shattuck, you should goooo! why? two words, my homie, peking duck. yes. peking duck.

i went with my relatives recently and they asked me to order. all i ordered, really, was the peking duck which comes with a mini eggroll-like wrapper, [i believe] shredded white portion of green onions [or maybe they were scallions.. hmm...], and hoisin sauce. each cousin, with the exception of one, ended up picking their own plates. vegetable chicken. beef with tender ginger. walnut prawns. the first two were bleh, but the prawns were tasty. let me re-emphasize though, PEKING DUCK. GO GO GO PEKING DUCK!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Made by the Nga Bui :).

Dipped in buttermilk and rolled in cayenne pepper, onion flakes, paprika, and a bit of salt. (And some other things + Nga's lovin!).

Fried juicy fatty goodness. Mmmmm :) Love em' thighs! And breasts...that sounds dirty. Yum.

"Melt" Crepe

Crepe with warm turkey (freshly sliced!), pesto, avocado, topped with cheese.

Roadhouse Salad topped with Tri Tip (Buckhorn Grill at Bloomingdale's)

We ate part of it already...before realizing we should take a picture of it. But, top choice for when you're craving a HUGE salad. Topped with a nice vinaigrette.

Friday, March 20, 2009

tackle box

popeye's tackle box. $4.99. i've been looking forward to eating this box since last week. YES. EFFING COMMERCIAL SOLD ME. also, i figured i'd have it on a friday when meat wasn't allowed, since it's lent and all.

8 breaded, slightly spiced/seasoned pieces of shrimp. 7/8 had a tail. fries were seasoned, not bad. the highlight of my tackle box though goes to the biscuit. i never knew popeye's biscuit was so good. it was nice and warm, flaky without being dry and had a nice kick of salt. i guess for the most part, the tackle box was just alright.. but, that biscuit.. whoo! that biscuit! (oh the rice was my friend's, just in there for the eff of it)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


so, i was walking through campus yesterday and decided to take a side route because i wanted to avoid an oncoming crowd of folks. granted, there were maybe.. three of them, but meh. though! in doing so, i came across two poppies. one was already going to sleep for the day and this one was wide open, taking in the lingering rays of sun. i was inspired to take a picture and i'm pretty happy with how it turned out :]

but on a food-related note, i wonder how many different cultures use poppy seeds in their food? i think i've only seen the seeds in muffins and dressing.. but that's it. hmm.. maybe i'll be inspired enough by the beauty of it all and try to make a dish that requires poppy seeds!